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Explore Our Programmes

Digital Activism

Through our online campaigns, we endeavor to eliminate barriers and challenge perceptions which adversely affect mental, work and skills development opportunities for marginalized groups. Our extensive and influential campaigns champion inclusion & diversity, , youth engagement and underline the challenges of LGBTQ+. We use social media and digital platforms for self-expression, protest and empowerment of LGBTQ+ persons.

Queer library by wanjiku podcast

Intimate Partner Violence and it's Risks

Partnership between Diversity Magazine and Wanjiku Talks Queer on Instagram


@wanjikutalksqueer and @diver_sity.magazine as digital activists defined what is intimate partner violence and the risks/forms of ipv within the LGBTQ relationships. During this campaign we raised awareness, galvanized advocacy efforts and shared knowledge and innovations to help end all types of violence against women and girls within the LGBTQ+ community.

Queer library by wanjiku podcast

Myths and Misconception on Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ+ relationships

Partnership between Diversity Magazine and Wanjiku Talks Queer on Instagram


The idea that intimate partner violence occurs in lesbian relationships may seem ridiculous. I mean, intimate partner violence only happens in heterosexual relationships, right? WRONG! A lesbian can't hold societal power over her partner like a man. She, too, is oppressed by society. People couldn't care less about her or her relationship when it comes to discussing potential power imbalances. Well, what if I told you that one of the reasons why a woman can get away with abusing her same-sex partner is precisely because of that invisibility? @wanjikutalksqueer and @diver_sity.magazine share more insights on Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ+ relationships

Queer library by wanjiku podcast

Ricardo Ferreira Artivism

Partnership between Diversity Magazine and Wanjiku Talks Queer on Instagram


We used Artivism to turn our words into action. Ricardo Ferreira art helped us highlight and converse during the 16 days of activism against gbv. Both @‌diver_sity.magazine and @‌wanjikutalksqueer believe that art will help bring about change.

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