Must-have money conversations for every gay relationship

Must-Have Money Conversations for Every Gay Relationship

By: Wanjiku K.

Published: December 04, 2024

“Bitch better have my money ,
Pay me what you owe me!!!!”

Rihanna’s explicit music video had all of us on a chokehold. You could actually envision yourself demanding money back from your ex. But, how do you even prove it was your money and they they actually owe you??

Before you have someone dangling in an abandoned warehouse asking them "where your money at ?" Let's rewind to the start of the relationship, the simpler times. When you had just found the Love of Your Life and the skies were pinker. That’s the right time to initiate these converations.

Money conversations are way more important than we think. Ignoring them can lead to emotional, mental, financial and even sexual frustration in a relationship and where is the fun in that?

Let’s get into the must have money conversations for every gay relationship.

1. Financial Background

I know it's not fun to talk about your financial history especially where there have been more thorns than roses. However, it helps to understand the financial conditions under which your partner grew up in and how it may affect their current money habits. This will help you extend grace to some of their vices and maybe navigate the issue together. This includes past financial experiences with partners.

2. Current Situation

It is also advisable to understand where your partner is at now. You can take quizzes together on what money means to you both. Is it security, freedom or something else? Is there a common ground for what you want ? It's best to approach this conversation with honesty because you never know just how much stress that will save you. This is a good chance to expose any debts or huge loans.

3. Budgeting and Spending habits

Another important conversation is what you want and need to spend on as a couple. How much y’all can afford or willing to spend on entertainment, social events , and drinks. If you progress to living together then its wise to revisit the conversation and discuss rent, utilities , shopping, groceries . You know the daily expenses that you incur even as an individual.

4. Financial Goals

All discussions on lifestyle like travel, kids or no kids, furthering education etc., etc. will have an underlying financial conversation. Talk about financial goals and how you intend on getting there. Will you save as a couple? Which account ? Who contributes what percent? All these are very important especially when you are dealing with a life long partner.

5. Responsibilities

Be frank about your financial responsibilities past and present future. For instance you may have had a child with your previous partner whom you still take care of financially. Or maybe you take care of a family member back home.

The main aspect is to first have an honest money conversation with yourself before you table it with your partner. Recognize that these conversations are not a one-time thing. Have them from time to time as your dreams, habits and responsibilities change with time. Good luck .

May you love and be loved.

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